Sanofi-aventis does subscribe to Six Sigma for certain areas of their company, which we will further discuss, however they also have their own permutation of quality control processes that is tailored to best suit their needs. They use a practice known as Industrial Quality and Compliance (IQC) Strategy. This strategy is the framework that they adhere to for any process that requires quality control, from the manufacturing of the pharmaceuticals, to the packaging, to the logistics of delivering the product. To develop any areas requiring quality control they follow the six steps within the strategy which are Define, Ensure, Empower, Integrate, Manage, Communicate. These steps are sanofi-aventis’ guidelines to quality control excellence no matter what the specific process may be.
In the first step of the process, Define, the exact requirements of the quality control process should be spelled out. This definition should also be supplemented by guidelines showing how these requirements should be met. These guidelines can take their lead from the best parts of other previously rolled out processes or policies from within the company and also possibly adopt ideas from sources outside the company. Part of this step is also to take note of and integrate current industry and regulatory trends into the process plan.
In the second step of the process, Ensure, involves auditing any sites involved in the process to ensure that they are capable of carrying out the proposed directives. It is necessary at this point to ensure each site has trained and experienced employees and provide support and training as needed. This is the step where they test out the feasibility of the process definition. If the resources or expense to implement the process is not worth the benefit, they may go back to the drawing board and repeat step one as needed. Once this step is checked off the list, they can then empower the sites to maintain the process and set up a way for continuing compliance to be reported. An escalation process for risk management is also developed. Training continues during the Empowerment step as these systems are implemented. The risk management aspect of the strategy continues into Step Five of the process, Integrate. At this time the escalation process for risk management is integrated and this process is continuously improved upon. At least once per year, new regulations and needs are considered and they too are encompassed in the quality control process. This allows the process to continue to evolve to meet the ever changing needs of the company.
The Management step of the process encompasses ensuring that the process is adhered to. It puts in place audit processes for suppliers and subcontractors, as well as internally, and spells out how discrepancies found in the audit process can be corrected. Finally comes Communication, which further deals with reportings of compliance and reviews with the teams at regular intervals. This part of the strategy also turns their quality process into a public relations tool in the sense that the process itself can be used to illustrate the company’s commitment to quality. Sanofi –aventis also maintains an intranet site for each of their processes as an information and training resourse.
As previously mentioned, sanofi-aventis does also subscribe to Six Sigma as a means of quality control, but they leave the research and development segment of the business out of it. Research and Development does require quality control, however it is also an intensely creative process. Many companies that forced this segment to deal with the restrictive nature of Six Sigma found themselves losing valuable employees as a result. Six Sigma is a very successful guideline for sanofi-aventis in addition to the idea of the IQC Strategy and they have embraced it. It allows the company to reduce wasted resources and keep their manufacturing processes lean by following the Six Sigma DMAIC steps, which are define, measure, analyze, improve and control. It helps sanofi-aventis to compete with Asian pharmaceutical companies that have the advantage of lower labor costs and less stringent environmental restrictions, by keeping the organization lean and mean.
Our suggestion with regards to areas for improvement would be to simplify their control processes by integrating the IQC Strategy and the Six Sigma methodology. In much the same way that they have created their own specific guideline in the form of the IQC, we feel it would help to streamline things by using a best-of type compilation of the two methods to form one unique, sanofi-aventis specific guideline. They can further foster employee dedication to the process by perhaps having periodic awards for employees that best demonstrate adherence to the methodology or for those who make a significant contribution to the processes improvement.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Quality Control
Quality Management
Quality of Design
- Identifying, through e.g., prior knowledge, experimentation, and risk assessment, the material attributes and process parameters that can have an effect on product.
- Determining the cross-functional relationships that link material attributes and process parameters to product.
- A systematic evaluation is derived through their marketing department, understanding and refining of the formulation through the Research and Development and industrial manufacturing process adhering to specification.
- Using the enhanced product and process understanding in combination with quality risk management, they establish an appropriate control strategy which, include a proposal for design space(s) and/or real-time release testing.
Such systematic approaches have achieved the desired quality of their products and have helped the regulators to better understand the company’s strategy. For example, a cross-functional team of experts could work together to develop an Ishikawa (fishbone) diagram that identifies potential variables which can have an impact on the desired quality attribute. The team could then rank the variables based on probability, severity, and detect ability using failure mode effects analysis (FMEA) or similar tools based on prior knowledge and initial experimental data. Design of experiments or other experimental approaches could then be used to evaluate the impact of the higher ranked variables, to gain greater understanding of the process, and to develop a proper control strategy.
Quality of Conformance
A related dimension of quality is conformance, or the degree to which a product's design and operating characteristics match pre-established standards. Both internal and external elements are involved. Within sanofi-aventis, conformance is commonly measured by the incidence of defects: the proportion of all units that fail to meet specifications. Industrial Quality and Compliance Chemistry assures that all active pharmaceutical ingredients, including feed grade products, are manufactured and controlled in compliance with sanofi-aventis quality standards and regulatory requirements.
Availability & Reliability
In terms of availability, it defines the continuity of service to the customer. The availability of their product is guided by statistical number generated through marketing. These variables and procurements from suppliers drives the batch production of their products instantaneously.
Reliability which is also a comparative dimension of quality, reflects the probability of a product's failing within a specified period of time. These may refer to the amount of doses that is prescribed before the effect wore out. For example, it would be reliable if sanofi-aventis claimed that 2 pills of Ambien CR could put someone to sleep in 2 hours and it actually did. These measures would require a product to be in use for an extensive period of time because they are more relevant to durable goods than they are to products and services that are consumed instantly. It could also refer to the primary operating characteristics of a product. For sanofi-aventis, drugs would be traits like providing instant relief from ailments, non or less side effect, safe handling, and comfort of use. This dimension of quality combines elements of both the product and user-based approaches. The connection between performance and quality, however, is more ambiguous. Whether performance differences are perceived as quality differences normally depends on individual preferences. In these terms, the reliability of a product would correspond to its objective characteristics, while the relationship between performance and quality would reflect individual reactions
Field Service
Their level of competence and promptness in the delivery of their products, which is available worldwide, is immeasurable.
Quality Systems at sanofi-aventis
Sanofi-aventis embraced the Six Sigma methodology in 2000 and have run their processes using DMAIC. Currently, sanofi-aventis adopted a hybrid quality system called IQC (Industrial Quality Compliance). This was designed to bridge the inadequacies of Six Sigma experienced with their Research and Development process.
Recommendations for Quality Improvement
Sanofi-aventis is still struggling with on-time delivery. Management mainly sees manufacturing as a cost center. About 40% of the plant equipment is over 10 years old and some are manually operated. Elements in the operational excellence toolkit, such as Quality by Design, Process Analytical Technology and advanced process control are being underutilized. Models are not yet flexible enough to adjust production capacities based on demand. In addition, regulatory compliance and plant safety were lower this year.
If aanofi-aventis wants to increase the benefits of quality, company leadership must make operational excellence a priority. Leadership, especially at the C-level, is critical in reducing product prices, improving product quality, improving operational and manufacturing flexibility, accelerating production speed, and improving workplace safety.
Undoubtedly, obtuse integration of manufacturing with other operations will result in the greatest benefits of operational excellence.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Service Process Design
1. Explicit services: Since sanofi-aventis is a drug manufacturer, it doesn’t exactly have a store or location where consumers can go to “experience” the product. However, something of this nature is simulated on their company website: On this website, individuals who are prescribed a sanofi-aventis manufactured drug can research patient information and prescribing information. Furthermore, there is a product information services number clearly displayed on the page allowing potential users to call with questions. The website also contains links to press releases and social responsibility actions taken by sanofi-aventis. This gives consumers a good idea of how the company operates, mission statements, and helps build a feeling of trust and reliability through a proven reputation.
2. Implicit services: When dealing with medication, having a reputable image and presentation seems obvious. The psychological component to this is that patients (who may be nervous or uneasy about beginning a new medication) feel safe and healthy. Open and honest information about potential medication side effects helps reduce the fears of the unexpected and may lead to a better mental state for new patients. Beyond this, clearly presented information also helps prescribing doctors feel confident in the use of the drug, which is relayed to the patient in the waiting room when a prescription is being handed out.
3. Facilitating goods: The physical good for sanofi-aventis is the drugs they manufacture. Sanofi-aventis produces a wide array of medications, however, it is necessary for their success that all drugs be provided with the same levels of service (both explicit and implicit) to maintain a consistently reliable image. As the book states, it is important not to overemphasize on one component. While drug safety is a top priority at sanofi-aventis, informing and supporting the end users ultimately becomes just as important when it comes down to the product being prescribed.
Service Matrix
Customer Contact & Employee Support
Service Recovery
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Process Selection
Sanofi-aventis is currently celebrating the approval of Multaq® in the United States by the Food & Drug Administration in the United States. Multaq® is a multichannel blocker that inhibits various ion channels of cardiac cells. It is the first antiarrhythmic that has demonstrated in patients to decreased the risk of cardiovascular hospitalizations or death from any cause as well as the risk of stroke when used on top of standard therapies. This drug will now be making the leap from the Project Process to the Batch Process of manufacturing.
Batch Production of Tablets in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Of the four factors that appear to influence process selection, sanofi-aventis relies mostly on Labor, Technology and Market conditions. The industry dictates that sanofi-aventis hire skilled labor in the areas of chemistry, biology and pharmacology, which pay high salaries. The company must also consider the latest software suites and production machinery to enable more efficient productions while providing higher quality products. Pharmaceutical companies are also forced to straddle both the project and the batch process due to the fact that they only have the exclusive right to a drug for a certain period of time after its introduction to the mass market. After that point, revenues drop significantly as generic equivalents enter the market place. They need to constantly have project teams in place working on the next best thing to remain competitive. The company needs to use a batch flow rather than an assembly line process for two reasons. The first constraint is that they are bound by the shelf-life of the product and compliance with regularly changing FDA regulations. If the company mass produces a product and there is an FDA recall or the product expires prior to purchase, they stand to lose a large amount of revenue.
Mass customization would essentially entail making a different product for each customer. Although it would be the ideal option for each customer, it would be very difficult to implement in the pharmaceutical industry. Not only would the process have to be changed from MTS to MTO/ATO, the cost would be very high and the customer would have to wait for their medications to be custom made. An ideal outcome of the mass-customization of medications may be the fact that people that were on an assortment of regular medications would not need to take so many pills. Various medications, adverse interactions and timing of dosage constraints permitting, could be combined into one “superpill”. The only way that we could foresee this working is if pharmacies and manufacturing plants worked together like never before. The pharmaceutical companies would need to set up mini manufacturing plants across the world to be in relatively close proximity to all pharmacies. Prescription filling requests at the local pharmacy would also have to be electronically linked to manufacturing plants. While this sounds like an appealing idea, the costs associated would be too prohibitive.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Inventory Management
Sanofi-aventis is also required to perform physical inventory counts on a regular basis. It manages its physical inventory by sorting it into five categories, which are as follows:
1) ST-01 – Inventories - Raw materials excluding spare parts
2) ST-02 – Inventories – Work in Progress (WIP)
3) ST-03 – Inventories – Finished Goods Excluding Samples
4) ST-04 – Inventories – Samples
5) ST-05 – Inventories – Spare Parts
The raw materials, WIP, and finished goods are recorded differently than samples and spare parts. First a “cost” is assigned, which consists of the cost of purchase less any discounts and including duties, taxes, shipping and handling. Cost does not take into account loss or gain as a result of currency conversion. Then, what sanofi-aventis refers to as a “Net Realizable Value (NRV)” is assigned which is the estimated selling price minus any processing costs and sales expenses. Finally the “cost” minus the “NRV” equals the “impairment”, which is recorded for each category in the inventory and is used in conjunction with the profit and loss of sanofi-aventis.
A physical inventory is taken at least once per year, sometimes more often. Occasionally products become obsolete or un-saleable and are marked as such by reducing the NRV to zero through financial depreciation. Once the physical inventory is counted, entered into the system and posted, those numbers are recorded as the beginning inventory and will be adjusted on the next scheduled physical count.
Friday, July 3, 2009
About sanofi-aventis
Sanofi-aventis is headquartered in Paris, France and employs nearly 100,000 people in over 100 counties. Its U.S. headquarters is located in Bridgewater, NJ and is responsible for employing over 15,000 people across the county. Sanofi-aventis trades on the NYSE: SNY and Euronext: SAN and has an annual revenue of approximately $32 billion.